When it comes to lighting systems, look no further than Bradley Electric. Whether you want to install landscape lighting or interior recessed lighting, our skilled team can do the job for you with ease. We have been proudly serving the Coachella Valley area since 1958. Contact us today! We're a Vantage dealer.
When you replace your appliances, look for Energy Saver models that use less electricity and save you money. Make sure to use the energy efficient settings on your new appliances, too. Get rid of any extra appliances you don't need, as well.
Lightning rods are pretty neat. Lightning strikes the rod and is then conducted through a wire safely to the ground. Care to guess who invented the trusty lightning rod? If you guessed Benjamin Franklin, you're right.
A home energy audit is a great way to find out about the electricity you use, detailing where you use it the most and areas where you can save both energy and money. A professional auditor has the equipment necessary to pinpoint your problem areas.
Watts, a primary measure of electrical power, are equal to one joule, the measure of electrical energy per second. In other words, every second a 100W light bulb is turned on, it converts 100 joules of energy into light (and heat).
Industrial applications often come with incredibly large power requirements, and the wrong surge can easily shut down the whole system. An electrical contractor will make sure to set up your internal power grid to handle the load at all times.