LED technology continues to develop resulting in bulbs that are longer lasting, capable of data integration and more durable. LEDs can last 25 times longer than traditional light bulbs. They're cleaner and better for the environment. A light bulb that you'll replace much less often. LEDs also save money through energy efficiency and address the need for energy conservation. As an added bonus, the cost of LEDs continues to decrease with advances in manufacturing. LEDs offer impressive design flexibility.
In other words, lighting maintenance involves more than changing light bulbs. At Solis, we've been in the business long enough to know that regular maintenance saves time and money in the long run for our clients. Maintenance can minimize repair costs and keep equipment running longer and more efficiently. For example, keeping dust out of fixtures extends their lifespan. But in some cases - especially when technology has significantly advanced - it's better to replace the equipment than spend money on repairs.
From announcing you're open for business with the flip of a switch to cooling systems, signage and ringing up sales, you need to have smoothly running electrical systems. Energy costs are among the highest in an operating budget. Protect your investment by bringing in our certified technicians for electrical repairs, upgrades and installation projects. These take special expertise to insure they're completed safely and within regulations. Even small repairs can result in big savings down the line to keep production flowing and operationsrunning smoothly.