Specialized services offered by TESSCO Energy Services include new oil well electrification, communication systems, energy management studies, lightning protection, all types of automatic systems, gas compression and processing plants, variable frequency drives, substation repair and maintenance. Based in Midland, Texas, Total Electrical Service & Supply Co. ("TESSCO") is a leading provider of electrical construction and maintenance services to the electric utility, oil and natural gas markets. For more information visit our Locations page.
TESSCO Energy Services is a leading provider of contract electrical services, maintenance and automation services for the oil and gas industry, principally in the Permian Basin oilfields of West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. The company specializes in pole line construction, automation services, power system analysis, substation maintenance, capacitor bank design, recloser repair and maintenance and electric motor sales, repair and rewinding. TESSCO Energy Services has over 500 field employees who are typically deployed in 2 or 5 man crews out of 11 strategically located branches in the Permian Basin region, allowing for short response times to customer locations.
TESSCO provides complete overhead power line construction with highly trained personnel and state of the art equipment. We offer a wide variety of electrical and power services. TESSCO is the largest supplier for oil field electrical services to the Permian Basin.
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Today marks the beginning of Ladder Safety Month. PLH Group business units do not only receive safety training, but are also given the authority to speak up or stop a task if safety is at risk. Ladder #SafetyTips Here http://ow.ly/ IYhu50DN3fX#LadderSafetyMon th #FallPrevention
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From power line and pipeline construction services to fire and storm work, our crews are on the road every day.… https://t.co/LUEb8Jzco9
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WATCH: Safety is @PLHGroupInc number one core value. https://t.co/KhI82UvYA6 #SafetyCulture #CoreValues… https://t.co/X24ykhJCMQ
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