We provide quality Charleston SC landscaping and installation services. Our warm season turf grass program includes a complete lawn care program including: fertilization, weed control, pre-emergence application, insect control, disease control, core aeration, over-seeding, lime application, and seeding. Our Charleston SC landscaping services also include: hardscaping, lighting, irrigation, and commercial lawn care and maintenance. Porter Hayes Landscaping will design and install a complete look that enhances your home or business using materials, such as brick, gravel, stone, and pavers to create great stone patios in Charleston SC.
Would you rather have a concrete or brick patio? Check this out: http:// www.porterhayesl andscaping.com/ concrete-vs-bric k-patio-charles ton/ #conceretevsbric kpatiosCharlest on
Ready to start beautifying your home on the outside? Then check this out: http:// www.porterhayesl andscaping.com/ charleston-lands cape-ideas/ #landscapingidea sCharleston
What are some ways to prepare your landscaping for the winter months? Check this out Charleston: http:// www.porterhayesl andscaping.com/ landscaping-tips -winter-months/ #winterlandscapi ngCharleston
Would you appreciate some great tips for landscaping with Christmas lights? Check this out: http:// www.porterhayesl andscaping.com/ landscaping-chri stmas-lights/ #Christmaslights andlandscapingC harleston