As of 3/18/20 Kiss's office staff will be working from home remotely until further notice. Our regular services & 24/7 emergency services are still available. Please call or email us for any questions. Kiss Electric is a veteran and family owned electrical contractor with over 20 years experience that services the Greater Philadelphia area, New Jersey and Delaware. We have also been certified by the State of Pennsylvania as a member of the PA Sunshine Program to install photovoltaic systems. We take pride in providing our customers with quality service they can trust from residential, industrial and commercial projects.
Kiss Electric can easily replace obsolete fluorescent lighting with newer and more efficient options at an affordable price. Newer versions provide a higher level of energy efficiency that can reduce overhead costs while also providing a quiet source of lighting. Retrofitting your lighting system with newer styles of ballasts and bulbs can reduce your overall maintenance costs. Please call Kiss Electric today to refit your business with new ballast and bulb replacements. Commercial generators are an important part of the planning process for businesses of every size and can greatly reduce business disruption when power is interrupted.
When an electrical panel no longer functions properly for your daily needs, it may become necessary for the panel to be maintained. Homeowners are extremely reliant upon electrical power for many of their high power devices, small appliances and heavy duty appliances. If the electrical panel was installed more than 40-50 years ago, today is a good time for a free electrical panel inspection. If the home is without power and needs an emergency replacement or installation, Please do not hesitate to call KISS.
Kiss Electric is a commercial solar power expert that is licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Our expert and experienced team of solar project designers and engineers will examine your company's facilities to determine the best approach and utilization of solar power. We manage and streamline the entire commercial solar power process, from the initial evaluation and financing to construction and maintenance, maximizing savings for your company or organization. Solar By Kiss is a fully integrated commercial solar business, so unlike many solar firms, we offer finance partners, design, build and manage our projects from start to finish.
Safety Sunny With the current events of covid-19, we want to make sure our customers are up to date with our compa…
Kiss Announcement! In the midst of the coronavirus Kiss Electric will be open but our office staff will be working…
If you received your Permission to Operate in Philly after 7/1/19, you should be eligible for your REBATE! Apply a… When discussing injuries with the importance of working safely we discuss how an injury wo…
With batteries being extremely expensive and large, could these hybrid capacitors be a solution to residential powe…
Kiss Electric has partnered with Generac Clean Energy! Contact us today for a free consultation to see how an ene…
Ratchet straps are one of the most widely utilized tools to secure moving cargo. There are many different types of…
We need 175 more shares by 3/31/20 for everyone to be entered for a chance to win a $100 visa gift card! Make you…
If your house or building has been through a flood and has obtained any electrical damage, contact Kiss Electric fo…
The new wave of solar panels is here by using a sphere to capture the energy of our sun! This is a game changer tha…