Let us revitalize the appearance of your home with our exterior house cleaning services. By pressure washing the outside of a house, we can reveal its true beauty that has been hidden behind the dirt, . The roof of a modern home can actually account for more of its visual appeal than the exterior walls do. So take advantage of our roof cleaning services for removal of shingle stains, algae, mildew an. Give your guests the right impression from the time they arrive by using our concrete cleaning service on your driveway, sidewalk and walkways.
Dakotah Pressure Wash Systems has been a leader in the mobile pressure washing industry in Fort Wayne, Indiana and surrounding counties since 1986. We have built our solid reputation by providing our customers with superior quality work, outstanding customer service, and professionalism at a fair price. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality service by anyone in the power washing business. Our attention to detail, our quest for perfection, and our belief in taking care of our customers set us apart from our competitors.
One of the first things your guests see when they arrive at your home is the driveway, followed by the walkway to your front door. And believe it or not, but most people usually notice the condition of it since they'll be looking right at it as they walk. If you've never thought about your concrete this way, now you will. Cement has been around for thousands of years and it's not likely to disappear anytime in the distant future. It's durable and lasts a years. But regardless of its strength, concrete is porous and collects lots of dirt, stains, tree sap, and mildew.
Does your roof look old and worn or is it covered with black stains and streaks? If so, then our safe roof cleaning service may be all that's needed to bring it back to life. Cleaning shingles instead of replacing them will save you thousands of dollars and usually produces a like new appearance. Many roofing contractors don't want you to know that the stains on your roof are actually algae that can be washed away with the right cleaners and water applied at an extremely low pressure. Such information could cost them thousands rather than saving you that hard earned money.