Perfect Plumbing and Heating, Inc. is owned and operated by Richard E. Burke Jr., and has been in business since 1988. We are a company equipped, skilled, and trained for new construction, renovations, forced hot water, radiant heating, water filter systems, and even the smallest jobs.
We can install and service a Radiant Heating System for you. We primarily use and recommend only the best types of boilers for radiant applications such as ViessmanTM or Buderus TM. Typically, the initial investment is higher versus a traditional hydronic system but you will love the benefits and savings it can provide for you, your family and your home. You will be comfortable, get the neatest heating system, raise your home value tremendously, and you can show off your amazing heating plant to all your friends and family.
This wood pellet stove and insert will be the perfect fit for pellet customers who want a proven performer that is easy to use, reliable and priced right. The new Greenfire line has been designed to provide you with proven wood pellet technology that is flexible enough to fit most installations (into openings as low as 19), is easy to install and has timeless good looks with tasteful options. Features include an advanced air wash system, quiet blower, adjustable hopper, durable cast iron brick liner and tasteful hidden door and hopper handles.