Q Basement Bathroom :- Is a basement bathroom possible even though my sewer piping is higher than the basement floor? A The most challenging part of basement bathrooms, as with any plumbing project is the ventilation piping. Plumbers will tell you there are four parts of a plumbing system 1 = water, 2 = drainage 3 = venting and 4 = venting. Properly vented plumbing fixtures are critical in keeping airborne diseases and sewer gases from entering your building. Most Basement bathrooms are below the building drain (sewer main) and will require a pump chamber to collect the refuse and pump it up into the building drain (sewer main).
Q Leaking pipe :- Why is the pipe attached to my boiler leaking? A) The pipe your referring to is most likely attached to the pressure relief valve, and is leaking because it has reached it's blow-off point (pressure over 30psi). This is a safety device which is designed to keep the boiler from reaching pressures above 30psi. High pressure combined with high temperatures will result in an explosion, at this point I'd recommend shutting off the water & power to your boiler and giving us a call. Q Boiler & Furnace maintenance :- How often should I have my boiler / furnace cleaned?
Q Cross-Bore :- How do I know if my sewer has been cross-bored? A The best way to inspect the inside of a sewer pipe is by video inspection. By inserting our high-tech video camera in the sewer pipe and recording the interior portion of the sewer we can visually identify foreign objects, cross-bores or broken sections of piping. The transmitter and locator work hand in hand when pinpointing these areas, which help in the planning phase of repair or claims. Q Clogged Drains :- What is causing my kitchen drain to clog-up so often?