We build our business on the principle of treating customers with the level of respect we hope to be treated with when we are on the consumer side. This includes timely communication and focused attention for the best possible customer experience before, during and after a sale. Radiant Barrier was founded by Ed Fritz, a man with a wealth of knowledge about the construction industry and a passion to teach others what he knows. Ed uses his first hand experiences, combined with his building science knowledge, to break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand ideas.
In essence, AtticFoil radiant barrier is like a shade for your house that reflects the infrared energy (heat) emitting from the sun away from the home. You probably already have some form of radiant barrier at work in your home. For example, do you have shiny silver flex ducts in your attic? These are insulated tubes with a radiant barrier covering. The radiant barrier reduces heat from entering the duct work and effectively makes the R-Value of the insulation greater. Conceptually, this is what we are trying to achieve for your whole attic.
If you go into the kitchen and you stand in front of the oven a few feet way, you feel the heat coming across the kitchen - that's radiant heat. Now if you go up and you put your hand ON the oven, you've eliminated the air gap - now you have a solid, basically, between the oven and your hand. Heat flowing in to your hand is conduction, or conductive heat flow. Using radiant barrier foil, the foil can only reflect heat that is traveling across an air gap, so, take a hot skillet and you put your hand several inches above it, now you can feel that radiant heat coming off of the skillet, right?
There is some debate in the radiant barrier business whether to use a perforated or a solid radiant barrier product in an attic application. Let set the record straight: in an attic application, you should use a perforated foil product. This means that products with bubbles, foam, etc. should not be used in a residential attic. Why? Because those products are not perforated or breathable. That's important because your attic space needs to breathe. Because you want dry walls and ceilings and the perforations allow for moisture to flow freely and escape/dry out.
This can be a little tricky to understand because it seems logical that the roof would get hotter if the radiant barrier below it is reflecting 97% of the radiant heat back through the roof assembly. However, we will do our best to explain why the effect is nominal. The short answer is no. Roofs with a radiant barrier will see temperatures increase by only a few degrees (usually between 2 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit). This slight increase is considered a nominal increase because typical roofing systems are designed to handle temperatures well above the maximum temperature they actually reach in real-world applications.
The best pure aluminum radiant barrier foil insulation available; AtticFoilblocks 97% of radiant heat. Radiant barrier AtticFoilacts like shade: the more coverage the better. Your home will be more energy efficient and comfortable. Compare us to our competitors; don't be fooled by the name of their product! Many dealers sell a 14-15lb product but we only sell the 28-29lb (per 1,000 square ft.) product, and oftentimes for less than their mid-weight products. Are you a radiant barrier contractor? Check out ourcompetitive contractor pricingfor bulk and repeat foil orders!
When installing Radiant Barrier with the Open-Ridge or Flat-Top Method, your main objective is to get foil between the roof deck and the insulation. Pretty simple right? You are not trying to make the foil air tight. All you are trying to do is bounce the radiant heat that is coming off your roof back toward the roof and outside.
David (my local FedEx Driver) is about to have his SECOND brain surgery in one year to remove another tumor; he's only 25 years old. Please consider helping him with his expenses during the 5-6 month recovery time.
Check out these live installs of our #MiamiDade approved RoofingFoil underlayment being installed!… https://t.co/e7yxxtYD8f
Watch a live install! Cedar Trails Living shows a time lapse of their installation of the RoofingFoil™ + Underlayment product and it's awesome to watch. If you've been curious how an installation goes, check out this page and see it in action: https:// www.roofingfoil. com/gallery/ customer_install .html
SuperPerf™ radiant barrier virtually eliminates the possibility to trap moisture underneath it. Install on top of your insulation for year-round benefit. Shop now: https:// atticfoil.com/ index.php/ products/ 45-wide-perforat ed-double-sided -radiant-barrie r-foil-superper f/
Take advantage of the fluctuating temps and get a radiant barrier installed now! Did you know AtticFoil can also help keep heat INSIDE in the winter? Ed will explain exactly how this works in this video:
"This is my second home that I have installed attic foil from https://t.co/VHOEqjgK5n. We love this product and it… https://t.co/86JAPZmSTF
Why Is My Attic So Hot? How Can I Make My Attic Cooler? - https://t.co/VHOEqiZ9dP ... https://t.co/1VYOz6WhRh via @YouTube
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Thinking about new year resolutions and goals? Why not make 2019 the year you make your home more comfortable and e… https://t.co/KUk745KqDg
Winter is here! If you're experiencing heat loss and have rooms that seem to get cold too easily or you can't keep… https://t.co/t20oqGrCoC