Barry Westbrook founded DocAir in 2002 with a focus on indoor air quality. His background as a home builder, Master Plumber, Senior Industrial Hygienist and Professional Engineer (KY) provided the basis for DocAir's holistic, system-oriented approach. Our clients include homeowners, property managers, construction contractors, engineers, and architects. For new buildings, DocAir offers advisory, design, and testing services. A partial list of new construction services includes air barrier testing and verification, commissioning, thermograph, HERS ratings, building code consulting, and HVAC design.
Something we rarely think about could be costing you money. Whether your home is old or new, mostly the home or building has leaky air ducts, which stresses the HVAC system - AND, your wallet! The Department of Energy (DOE) rated the Aeroseal Duct Sealing process as one of the 23 most beneficial technologies available to American consumers since the agency's inception.
A building envelope, or building enclosure, is the physical separation between the conditioned and unconditioned environment of a building. When there are leaks in this enclose, conditioned air escapes to the outside, forcing your HVAC unit to work overtime. Think of it as many, small holes open all the time in your home. These holes can be found around windows, doors, trim, return air plenums, supply ducts, recessed lighting inserts, and many other places. DocAir holds several certifications relevant to building envelope integrity, such as HERS and ABBA.
As a real estate agent, I discovered Doc Air through a training class I took for CE. I felt what was being taught in the class was spot on with what I was seeing and had learned about in my career. Last month my parents had an annual termite inspection from their pest control company they are contracted with. This company happens to be a national company, which I will not name. Their inspector told my Father that he had a mold/fungus growing in the crawl space and that they could correct this for $1800.00, especially with his respiratory condition. This alarmed him and my Mother greatly since my Father suffers with COPD and is on oxygen. I convinced them to let me call in the experts at Doc Air and within a couple days Barry Westbrook came out and spent nearly an hour looking at their home. His conclusion was the home was fine and there was not anything alarming at all in the crawlspace or duct system that could hurt them. He did not say a bad word about the other company, only that my parents home was not in need of a mold/fungus cleaning. Doc Air is a company I can highly recommend to friends, family and clients.
We are #hiring HVAC Service Technician in Nashville, TN #jobs #Nashville #Construction #SkilledTrade
We are #hiring Crawl Space, Remediation and Storm Water Management Tech/Lead Person #jobs #Franklin
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