Since 1990, Jim and Carol Watson have been providing the Atlanta area with supreme tree services. It started as a family business and grew into an even bigger, better family business! We offer a wide range of services to provide for our customers seeking tree care in Atlanta, Athens, Lawrenceville and the surrounding areas. We have multiple specialists on board with us that have many years of expertise to ensure your property is taken care of safely and effectively. Tree Pruning, removals, fertilizations, you name it!
We are fully equipped and prepared to complete the most technical and dangerous tree removal and pruning jobs in the most efficient way. Our salesforce is driven by ambition to be the best in Snellville, Ga. With over 25 years in business providing tree care service to Snellville and surrounding areas, you can rest assured that North American Tree Service is aware of all the dangers of the properties and what we can do to avoid them. We always put safety of our homeowners and employees before anything else.
Sadly storm damage happens and more often than not it takes out more than just our belongings, it takes memories we cannot get back. At North American Tree, we understand how hard this time can be for a family and want to make the clean up of this as easy as possible. We work with all different insurance companies on your behalf so you won't be left covered in expenses. Our storm crews are available 24/7 and work emergency jobs for trees on houses or any other dangerous situation. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a free estimate!
A common mistake alot of us make is assuming that everything needs to be fertilized. That's a tricky misconception that could potentially put you in jeopardy of losing trees and plants. In fact, the easiest way to determine whether or not fertilization is necessary is to do a soil test, which we can perform for you. The main goal is to establish what the soil is lacking, so we can add to it and make sure your trees will flourish. Our trained staff of certified arborist's can properly identify and diagnose any and all kinds of trees in your landscape to determine when and how they need to be fertilized.
It is very easy to be oblivious to the signs and symptoms of trees dying. Some trees actually look 100% healthy all the way around but could be completely hollow throughout the trunk. This is why it is so important to have one of our certified Arborist's come out to properly assess each and every one of your trees for health, condition, etc. If caught early enough, it may be possible to perform treatments and avoid tree removal. Tree pruning is a great way to proactively manage the structure and health of your trees.
Trimming your trees should be as routine as cutting your grass. To keep trees healthy and thriving, they require a yearly maintenance trim. This will promote new growth and depending on what species it is, prevent it from becoming too top heavy. Trimming, also known as tree pruning, can dramatically reduce the danger of trees with targets underneath or around them. From large branches to small limbs, our team of dedicated individuals has you covered. Call us today for a free estimate in Lawrenceville, Athens GA and surrounding areas!
North American Tree service is proud to offer a variety of tree services to Athens GA and the surrounding area. We're lucky to live and work in an area with so many different kinds of wonderful trees. It's our passion to keep these trees healthy and looking great year round. A lot of trees in suburban areas are improperly planted and overcrowded. This can lead to a number of problems, usually ending with the tree having to be removed. Usually trees planted near sidewalks or concrete roads do not have the room for root expansion.
There are many things to consider while determining whether or not a tree should be removed or if a simple trimming would suffice. First, if there are any targets below or around the tree in question. A target is anything that would be damaged if the tree were to come down naturally. Swingsets, homes, barns, cars, etc. are things we definitely do not want your trees blowing over on during the storms. If trimming will remove the dangerous part of the tree from the property, we always opt for that to save the tree.
Stump grinding is not a neccesary procedure but alot of our customers hate looking at the remains of the tree we removed. We have a stump grinding team that follows after the tree crew and grinds down the rest of the stump including all the surfaced roots. Keep in mind, if you opt out of getting the stump mulch removed, it will leave a bit of a mess. However, that mess left over from the stump works wonders for gardens! All natural ground up wood chips with no dye, no additives and freshly ground, your garden will love you!