I will recommend your company without qualification to anyone seeking input from a satisfied customer in the future. You, and prospective customers, should know that this letter is unsolicited, and represents our feelings about our new patio. Thank you and your men for me in a job well done. Having been disappointed with two previous lawn services, I engaged the services of Daryl Schauss and Cedar Run Landscaping three years ago for our homeowners association, my church and my home. I will say of the team at Cedar Run what can be said of fewer and fewer companies today.
If your kind note and very generous gift certificate were not enough to solidify my loyalty to Cedar Run, the work done on our yard today by your crews was certainly was. It was a horribly cold and rainy day and I hated to see the guys out there, but I have to say when I returned home after several hours I couldn't believe what and AMAZING job they did. Your employees really are to be commended. It was good coming home yesterday afternoon and walking on my finished patio. It really looks good and I want to pass on an "atta boy" to Donnie and his crew.