With over 2 decades of experience, we specialize in asbestos, lead and mold remediation. Be it small or large scale, we have the expertise and knowhow to provide efficient solutions for all types of residential and commercial projects. Regardless of project complexity, our mission is to get the job done. Our skilled, certified asbestos abatement staffs go the extra mile to deliver outstanding results. Every employee is licensed and accredited. They also use the latest equipment, tools and methodologies for successful environmental assessment and remediation service.
If you think that you have found asbestos in your home, don't touch it. Asbestos is a risk in the home when it is disturbed in a way that produces dust that contains asbestos fibres. In many cases the presence of asbestos-containing materials in the home is no cause for alarm if the material has not been damaged. If the material is not damaged and shows no signs of wear and tear it can often be left in place. For example, internal asbestos cement sheet walls or ceilings that are in good condition and coated with paint do not pose a risk to health, while they are not showing signs of degradation or damage.
Asbestos is present in a wide variety of building materials. Any home or building owner may encounter an asbestos-containing material (ACM) during the course of renovation, repair or demolition. ACMs can include insulation, plaster, floor or ceiling tiles, plaster, ductwork, roofing shingles, adhesives, and a host of others (EPA, 2007). If you determine you have an ACM in your home or building, you may choose to leave it alone. These materials are not dangerous if they are in good condition and undisturbed.
As one of the most feared industrial materials, asbestos continues to grip international headlines. Regulatory demands, and their scrutiny for compliance, makes asbestos testing, monitoring and disposal essential for all organisations who wish to meet their responsibilities. We help you achieve your obligations by offering a complete suite of asbestos testing services, including identification of bulk materials, building surveys, and atmospheric fibre monitoring. We also provide for their project management.
#AirTesting is a common process during an #Asbestos survey. Find out more: https://t.co/TNrnO1pj6y.
Want to remove #LeadPaint in your home. Take a look at some ways you can do so https://t.co/9Z7fRJAoqJ
Must Know #Fact About #Asbestos https://t.co/F3fQsUDNs2
How to avoid #asbestosexposure during #homerenovation project. #asbestos #asbestosis https://t.co/2ea2aizVxe
From adoption to rejection, the journey of #asbestos! #asbestosremoval #asbestosdangers https://t.co/y56po0TCTp