To become a certified mold tester or inspector one needs to take an examination after approximately an 8 to 10 hour study section over the computer. In most cases this is a non-proctored exam. There are no experience requirements and the day you acquire your basic equipment you can start practicing mold testing. In some cases, mold companies send out home inspectors to do their work that do not even have a mold inspection certificate. Companies can do this because in the Memphis area (Tennessee, Mississippi & Arkansas) Licensing is not required.
Our air purification equipment is equipped with the trademarked MCI (multi-cluster ionization) technology. This technology was award the HM Innovative Award at the 2014 International ASHRAE Convention because of its unique characteristics and effectiveness in neutralizing or destroying airborne and surface contaminants. This technology is measurable and, by all testing standards, safe in every indoor environment providing cleaner air and surfaces. When combined with the Total Approach to Solving Challenges solution-based assessment initiative, solutions are thorough and effective.
In certain circumstances, the services of a professional mold remediation company are imperative. This is especially true if toxigenic zero tolerance molds are present, or the total area of mold covers at least 10 square feet. If you are unsure if you need professional mold remediation, an indoor environmental professional like Memphis Mold Inspector is an invaluable resource in identifying, diagnosing and recommending an appropriate plan of remediation. If your mold issue is more of a nuisance, like small suspect patches around tubs, showers or sinks, you may want to try one of the following home cleaning agents as a first step.
If you have or suspect a mold issue in your home, you should call an experienced mold investigator FIRST! Because in many cases I can save you hundreds - even thousands - of dollars in unnecessary cleanup costs! In some of those cases, professional mold cleanup was not even necessary or could have easily performed by you, the homeowner! The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued federal mold cleanup guidelines that explicitly allow non-professional personnel to handle certain small-scale projects needing only personal protective equipment (i.e: goggles, gloves, respirator, etc.)
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