Whether from a leaky pipe, excessive humidity, or water damage, mold can infest and spread through your property. If left unchecked, mold can harm your building and your health. Don't let this happen to you. We know the dangers of mold and the importance of removing it as quickly as possible. With that urgency in mind, we utilize our experience, equipment, and expertise to provide you with thorough and effective mold removal services. We do this by emphasizing continuing education through IICRC, or the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, which ensures that all our technicians are certified and trained to handle your mold damage restoration needs.
If water invades your home, it can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. If this happens, the best thing to do is to call Clean Care immediately. As soon as we arrive on your property, our team can find the source of the problem, stop the water from coming in, and proceed with the water removal process. Leaky pipes or natural disasters can leave your home or business seemingly ruined. However, with the help of experienced water damage restoration specialists, you can have your property back as it was.
Fire-damage restoration is most effective if you can begin the process with some straightforward steps. Remember to prioritize your safety, but if possible, open windows and otherwise create ventilation in your home. Talk with us about whether cleaning and doing laundry would assist the process. However, a big struggle with fire-damage restoration is that many of the damage is unseen and difficult to identify. Our services work to address the visual and hidden damage in your home. We conduct a thorough examination of your property to identify all the sites of damage from the smoke and fire so that we can restore your home completely.