All dirt surfaces under your home, in the crawl spaces, are required by local building codes to have "ventilation" to vent out moisture and gases (like Radon as an example) that emanate from the soils. Ventilation is achieved in the form of openings (air vents) in the side of the building or in the concrete foundation walls. The quantity of venting is based on the air exchange rate code applicable to code at the time of construction. Today we try and achieve an air exchange rate of 4 exchanges per hour.
You might enjoy the rainfall in Tacoma and the Puget Sound area, but rain and other sources of moisture can cause serious problems to your home's crawl space. Crawl spaces are exposed dirt areas under your home that aid air circulation and allow access to your plumbing, heating, and electrical systems. Your crawl space must stay dry in order for your home's systems to function properly. If water gets into your crawl space, it can soon invade your home and cause mold and mildew growth, foul smells, poor air quality, and even structural damage.
Since it's hidden from view, your crawl space gives pests an easy way to infiltrate your home unnoticed. And in Seattle, WA, rainfall and humidity force rats inside and make it easy for moisture and mold to creep in through your crawl space and effect health and home as well. Luckily, you can keep these problems and pests out of your home with regular crawl space inspection and cleaning. At Perma Dry Waterproofing, our crawl space cleaning and crawl space restoration services will help maintain your homes value and keep it looking as good as new.
The Perma Dry Waterproofing "Clean and Dry" liner system is a heavy gauge, 4-ply scrim reinforced vinyl liner encapsulation product. This crawl space encapsulation product is securely pinned to foundation walls below the sill plate and sealed at all edges and overlaps to prevent moisture from affecting the rest of your home. With high levels of moisture, poor air circulation, and ample amounts of organic debris, your crawl space is the perfect breeding ground for mold & mildew and rodent damage that can cause poor air quality throughout the entire house.
As part of our Crawlspace Restoration service or Crawl Space Drainage services we can replace or add new posts or beams. New posts and beams are installed with code compliant materials and to industry standards including supporting pads. Settling soil, dry rot or water damaged supports posts, or mold damage may be causing squeaking floors or cracks in your ceiling. We provide repairs to foundation cracks, leaking footing spreaders, and general structural repairs. Our field reps will perform a thorough inspection with photos to discuss what concerns are present within the crawl space and what needs to be addressed.
Your crawl space is an integral part of your home and should be kept neat, clean, and dry. For most homeowners the dirt crawl space is rarely ever seen, let alone used, so it should be no surprise that seasonal groundwater, rodent activity, damaged insulation, or condensation in your crawl space can go undetected for long periods of time. Perma Dry Waterproofing can provide helpful answers and solutions to your crawlspace problems. Our field representatives look at each crawlspace as being different and unique; we are not locked into one corrective procedure and definitely not product driven.
Proper energy "R" rated insulation and installation practices-to avoid gaps and air pockets in the sub-floors and around heat ducts-are offered only as a part of our full service Crawl Space Restoration, or Crawl Space Drainage service. If you have water in your basement, or your planning a remodel in your basement and want to avoid future moisture issues, the first step is to give us a call and speak with a basement water intrusion specialist. Servicing Everett to Olympia, with some special trips to outlying areas, Perma Dry Waterproofing is a well-regarded drainage and water repair company with the demonstrated experience and knowledge to prove it.
Rats and mice get into your home in many ways, but one of the least obvious is through your crawl space. It's a place you rarely go, so you may not notice them there, making the hideaway perfect for pests like rats, mice, and wood destroying insects. Do you have persistent rodent problems? If you're tired of laying out traps and pulling out bodies only to have more RATS or mice move in, you might need to try a different approach. If they can get into your crawl space, they can invade the rest of your home from there.
With our special blend of concrete for application in tight spaces, we seal all exposed dirt surfaces under your home with 3-4 inch thick permanent rigid concrete encapsulation barrier. It is the only material to provide a 100% guarantee of rodent control, while adding structural integrity to your foundation. Stop rodents PERMANENTLY! With our "conditioned crawl space" services, you can insulate cold damp walls and seal off air vents from cold winter air and moisture to save energy cost and stop health issues.
A French drain is a general term used to describe a drainage system placed in the ground to move water away from your home and prevent water related damage. They can be particularly helpful in regions with higher precipitation, like the Seattle-Tacoma area, where basements and crawl spaces are more at risk of flooding or leaking. Typically the soil is removed from the affected area, exported off-site for disposal, and replaced by geo-textile soil retention fabric, a perforated PVC pipe, and washed drain rock.
Basements are porous concrete structures built in soils that vary from area to area. Water that saturates the soil leaking into basements is a problem that has troubled homeowners in the Puget Sound region for many years. You may notice ground water getting into your basement through the foundation walls, up through the floors and at joints where they come together. Whether your wet basement is finished or unfinished, your existing drain pipes are in need of repair, or whether you need new basement drainage systems to solve your leak problem, Perma Dry Waterproofing has developed and refined the processes to keep your basement dry, healthy, and usable all the time.
In most cases building owners, whether residential or commercial, can have these cracks fixed permanently. Without needing a disruptive and costly excavation using high pressure injection of epoxy or polyurethane foam repair materials. Even if a concrete foundation crack is not leaking now, eventually water will find it. These wall cracks develop due to curing shrinkage, thermal movement, earthquakes, settling, and other causes. They can grow larger, shift, and move causing big headaches, such as loss of structural integrity or, more commonly, water leaking into your furnished basement and other living spaces.
Dealing with a Wet Basement or you feel moisture is building up in your home foundation? Well! It is bad news. Basement moisture is not an uncommon issue. It can cause damage to your home as well as health. To overcome this, it is recommended to contact a certified contractor in your locality and get an expert solution before it turns into a big problem. But before this, how do you know you have moisture building up in your space? How to Identify You Have Moisture In Your Basement? Moisture generally builds due to accumulated rain or groundwater in your area.
Wet basement is a phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of most homeowners. The most typical causes are condensation, runoff and groundwater swelling. Solutions depend on the cause of the problem and can range from using a dehumidifier to installing a perimeter drain system. The Perma Dry Waterproofing foundation drainage system is designed to lower the water level under the slab, helping to prevent water from rising from the edges or through floor cracks in the basement slab. If you have water in your basement, or your planning a remodel in your basement and want to avoid future moisture issues, the first step is to give us a call and speak with a basement water intrusion specialist.
Since it’s hidden from view, your crawl space gives pests an easy way to infiltrate your home unnoticed. And here i…
Here in the Northwest, sump pumps are a must. One heavy rain can flood a basement or crawl space. Give us a call an…
With all of this Northwest rain, we get this question a LOT! From Everett to Tacoma and beyond, sump pump installat…
Parents: Have you noticed a smell in your house? You might have a pest problem or some standing water in your crawl…
In other news, here is a new sidewalk paving techniques that stops floods by diverting water.…
Experts warn you to be on the lookout for super-charged mold. Here's more.