You can trust our certified Arborists and Certified tree workers to provide the highest quality tree pruning available. Our pruning standards were adopted by the American National Standards Institute A-300 tree pruning guidelines (ANSI-300), and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). Whether it's a small ornamental or a large shade tree, we respect all trees and take our role in their care seriously. Below is common terminology used when we provide you with a bid to prune your trees or shrubs.
When it comes to removal, Tree Pros is your company. We are experienced and equipped to handle any tree removal situation. Whether it's a small-simple situation or a large-technical one, we have performed thousands of tree removals and always keep your property's integrity our #1 priority. This is when the entire tree or shrub is cut off as close to ground as possible, and does not include stump removal. This is when the entire tree or shrub is cut off and the stump is ground to a depth of 6-8 inches below existing grade.