Make certain that your home is safely sanitized by booking our services for residential deep cleaning in Charlotte. Let Spotless, Inc. take care of all the details by focusing on every inch of your house from top to bottom. We have trained, experienced, and thoroughly background-checked professionals to do the job for you. Your home will shine, sparkle, and be safely hygienic.
Vacuuming only accounts for so much. If you want to give your home a serious all-over clean, call on Spotless, Inc. We are a trusted cleaning company based in Charlotte, NC, offering move in / move out cleaning services for homeowners and renters in the greater metro area.
We are a residential cleaning service based in Charlotte, NC. Our experienced, background-checked housecleaners will clean your home from top to bottom. From the upstairs bedroom to the downstairs bathroom, we rely on our quality equipment and attention to detail to give your home a shine like youâve never seen.
We are growing and need another Experienced, Professional, Independent Housekeeper. We expect this Housekeeper to…
Riddle Me This: What kind of room has no doors or windows?
We are looking for someone to service our homes in zip codes 28277, 28210, and perhaps 28079. We need someone profe…
WHY NOT SAMPLE OUR SERVICE? To become a believer - it takes just a few 3 samples of our service will surely work f…
Because of the upcoming Holidays, We are listing our openings for the week. Please call the office for an appointme…
We need a Housekeeper to work with our clients in the Huntersville / North Charlotte area. If you are the best of t…
Claretha Miller, now Claretha Benjamin, our Client Support Specialist, “Jumped the Broom”this past weekend. We wish…
Have a great weekend!
Uh oh! When is the last time you were out in nature?