If your home's paint job has gone longer than a decade or so without re-painting, chances are likely that some of your siding and trim has been damaged after the paint has failed. Most homes are sided with builder-grade, low-quality hardboard siding, which is barely more than glorified cardboard once the paint job isn't protecting it anymore. That means that if your paint has been cracking and peeling, or faded down to the raw wood, Colorado's moisture from rain, snow, and ice will penetrate your siding and begin swelling, warping, and rotting it in no time.
Energy Star Government TAX CREDITS are back! In 2010, the nation enjoyed excellent tax credits when purchasing energy star rated replacement Windows, doors, insulation, and other exterior products designed with modern, energy-efficient technology to save on heating and cooling costs. In 2011, the credits were curtailed. As of 2013. Do you still have old aluminum or drafty wood windows? Or basic builder-grade vinyl windows that are a pain to deal with and blow up your utility bill? The time is now to look into replacement windows from Alside or Ply Gem.
Professional offices take an astounding amount of wear and tear compared to residential homes. Take a look at your office--a good look. When's the last time the interior was painted or touched up? Offices for doctors, dentists, and other offices that have a regular staff and a stream of customers coming and going become dirty very quickly. Sure, the cleaning service you contract may vacuum the floors, clean the desks and services, the blinds--but take a look at the painted walls. Are they accumulating nicks and gouges?
Front Range Exteriors offers Interior Painting with the best of the Sherwin Williams product line, the Harmony Zero VOC (very low odor) Interior paint, with thousands of potential custom colors available. There's no reason to settle with standard off-white walls. Your home is your sanctuary, and different rooms have different purposes. When using creativity to paint and decorate the interior of your home, you can do anything! Apply many different vivid colors to create rooms of different energies and design, or build an atmosphere of quiet and soothing comfort.
Colorado is tough on roofs. Between the extreme variances in weather, frequent wind gusts, and sweeping hail storms, the roof of your home really has a tough job in protecting you from the elements here on the front range. Hail storms in the spring and summer are common, and every year or two, Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, parts of Denver (and more) experience massive storms with hail ranging in size from nickels to golf balls! Whenever one of these 'roof-killing' storms passes through, roofing companies from all over the country swoop down upon our neighborhoods, insurance companies become more difficult to deal with, and you're left not knowing who you can trust, who is a legitimate company, or even who is a local roofer!
When is the last time you took a good look at the paint on the outside of your home? A home's exterior paint job is its first line of defense against the elements, and the weather and altitude of Colorado's front range make the elements here among the most aggressive in the nation. Take a look at the side of your house that faces Pike's Peak, for instance. You may find that the paint is a lot more faded on the 'sunset' side of the home than elsewhere. The paint may be 'burning through'--even on a home that isn't really 'that old'.
They did an awesome job on our roof, gutters and windows!
Front Range Exteriors does top notch work! They've done lots of work on our home - exterior wall repars, exterior paint job, new garage door, new.
Work done on our home by Front Range Exteriors was of high quality. They responded quickly to inquiries and we are quite pleased with the work. We.
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Create Instant Curb Appeal! (Landscaping tips for the summer)https:// asphaltlife.atla sroofing.com/ article/ landscaping-tips -for-the-summerhttp:// FrontRangeExteri ors.com
Look at this beautiful 'Castle-like' home that we improved up in Castle Rock! It's amazing! Stucco Restoration, Exterior Paint, and wood repair:http:// frontrangeexteri ors.com/ g-stucco-restora tion-castle-roc k-colorado-pain ters-wood-repai r
A Comprehensive Roofing Systemhttps:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=rhECbiWW _L8http:// FrontRangeExteri ors.com
Did you know there an App that you could use to visualize new roof styles and colors?https:// asphaltlife.atla sroofing.com/ article/ roofswap-roof-vi sualizer-apphttp:// FrontRangeExteri ors.com
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Why Atlas Shingles are Superior https://t.co/r8A1Kn2Flp https://t.co/nKlzrqPHyg https://t.co/r8A1Kn2Flp
Choosing Your New Roof https://t.co/V96jP3dnES https://t.co/nKlzrr7ipO https://t.co/V96jP3dnES