Tile cleaning floors by hand is very hard work. It's messy, uncomfortable, and impossible to get the deep-clean results that come with professional tile and grout cleaning. That's because grout, which is a porous material, collects dirt, grime, and spills, often discoloring the surface. Regular mopping and spot cleaning don't reach the hidden dirt that lies deep within the pores of your grout lines. Our professional tile and grout cleaning service restores the luster to your floors, making them look like new.
Keeping your home's exterior clean will not only make it look great, but it will also reduce maintenance costs. The National Association of Real Estate Appraisers stated a clean house can add up to 10% home value. Compare that to the price of pressure washing you'll see why exterior house cleaning is a smart investment. We'll make your home more beautiful by pressure washing the dirt, and mildew upon its exterior. Our house washing service is second to none and can add many years of life to your home.
Your family and visitors come in contact with multiple home and workplace surfaces during the course of a day. Furniture and office partitions top the list. Fortunately, professional upholstery cleaning from Progreen Carpet eliminates dirt, dust and other pollutants that collect in the fabric and crevices of your furniture and compromise air quality. At the same time, food particles and oil and grease from hands are easily transferred to the fabrics on the furnishings in your home, office, or workplace.
If you're looking for professional concrete cleaning you've come to the right place. The first thing your guests see when they arrive in the driveway is its condition. Next is the concrete walkway to your front door. People usually notice the condition of it since they'll be looking right at it as they walk. If you've never thought about your concrete this way, now you will. Cement has been around for thousands of years and it's not likely to disappear anytime in the future. It's durable and lasts years.
A carpeted floor is soft, comfortable, and provides a feeling of warmth to your spaces. It's also made for durability, so it can stand up to the wear and tear of constant traffic from everyday life. Over time, damage can happen, and your once lovely carpet can look rundown and threadbare instead of warm and cozy. Fortunately, instead of getting rid of it and buying new flooring, carpet repair in Durham is an effective, affordable solution! At ProGreen Carpet, we specialize in fixing up damaged patches, ridding you of unsightly wear and tear and restoring your carpet to a like new appearance!
Your carpet is designed to be one of the most durable surfaces in your home. It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of traffic, wear and tear, but sometimes damage can happen, and your carpet can get ripped, torn, or unraveled. Fortunately, you don't need to rip out your carpet and replace it. We specialize in fixing damaged areas, and in most cases, we can provide professional carpet repair in Raleigh that restores your floor covering to a like-new condition! We're often asked if carpet repairs really work and if it hides damage effectively.
You know just how it goes. As soon as you turn your back, your new puppy is at it. They decide that your carpet is the perfect place to use the bathroom. You attempt to clean it, but you can't get rid of that horrible smell. The fact is the longer you wait to act the worse the problem will get. The largest problem we found by listening to consumers is that odors aren't being permanently removed from carpets. If you're having a problem with pet odors then try our natural pet stain removal cleaning products.
When it comes to area rugs, don't settle for anything less than a professional rug cleaning. Sure, it may be tempting to tackle the problem yourself, but that plan could backfire. Why? Because area rugs require a gentle but effective approach to cleaning. Progreen Carpet is the best Raleigh rug cleaner with trained technicians who know how to handle the delicate fibers in your rug. Unfortunately, too many people attempt to clean their own area rugs. Do-it-yourselfers often damage their rugs either because they scrub too hard or because they use the wrong cleaning solutions and utensils.