Caring for your new home is important, our team has compiled these home maintenance guides to help ease you into life as a homeowner. If you have questions please use the resources we have provided or contact our team.
We owned a new Spinell home in Eagle River. The day we had to sell it broke my heart. It was remarkably quick to sell too - which made the sting worse. It was BEAUTIFUL and the craftsmanship made me so proud of this Alaska homegrown company. I really can't wait to do it again with this company!
What type of contractors are you hiring! From my kitchen window I just watched a contractor urinate on his company truck tire instead of using the port a pot a few feet away, and a few days ago other contractors were inside fighting with each other, dropping swear words and threatening to hit each other! They were so loud I heard it from inside my house! Unfortunately, there are several more 'Spinell' lots that I will eventually have homes built on them that I can see from my home. Not looking forward to future obscenities!
Beautifully detailed homes, from craftsmanship to color schemes. One day I will own a Spinell Home.
If you would like to build, you need to work on building your credit score. A good credit score is key to owning a home. March is National Credit Education Month, and here are some tips for keeping your credit on track.
There's more to love in the MatSu - bigger lots, larger homes and more affordable prices - but for some the commute to Anchorage is a deal-breaker. However, now that working from home is becoming a more popular option, now might be the time to explore what life is like in the Valley.
Style is in the details. What do you think of using multiple styles of backsplash to make a statement in the kitchen?
Quit renting and buy because there are so many benefits! Call our team and start building today.