Alaska's environment can impose severe demands on any structure including some of the highest snow, wind and seismic loads in the country. CRW's very experienced engineers provide structural design, evaluation and construction-management services for a broad range of remote and urban structures, with an emphasis on cold-regions design. Our structural engineers have extensive expertise in designing commercial, public and industrial facilities for private, municipal and federal clients. Our engineers have the boots-on-the-ground experience to work closely with contractors and architects so that we can meet construction schedules and successfully provide dependable building functions.

CRW is a leading authority on building in Alaska's unique and varied terrain and permafrost conditions, whether to support larger engineered structures or for standalone projects. Our team shepherds the project start to finish, or any stage in between, whether the project calls for site explorations, preparing project geotechnical reports, or geotechnical design and construction support including final inspections. Our geotechnical engineers have a robust understanding of the complex world of geo-mechanics in their design with experience working in challenging soil, including expansive, collapsible, liquefiable, and soft organic and non-organic soils, in addition to warm and cold permafrost.

CRW's extensive knowledge of Alaska's extreme-climate requirements allows us to effectively engineer mechanical systems that go unnoticed. Our mechanical systems integrate seamlessly with other elements of a building to provide a safe, comfortable, energy efficient environment, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, fire protection, and system controls. Our team's expertise in design and construction enables us to evaluate every project's unique requirements for energy efficiency, constructability, and long-term maintenance and operational costs.

CRW provides expert planning, regulatory compliance, design, construction management, and operations assistance for communities throughout Alaska, which enables our clients to provide their customers with safe, adequate supplies of drinking water; safe, secure waste-disposal sites; and pollutant-free snowmelt and stormwater runoff.

Ever increasing environmental protection standards require property owners, businesses, and communities to properly treat their sanitary sewer wastewater before returning it to nature. Based on our extensive experience as sanitary sewer-treatment designers, CRW can provide the environmental and civil engineering services that best suit your unique needs and environmental circumstances.

CRW has a long history of responsive, innovative design and implementation of electrical engineering that works efficiently to support and secure projects ranging from commercial buildings and public-health institutions to major infrastructure. We provide a well-developed project approach which encourages continuous collaboration, reliable communications and innovative, sustainable and forward-thinking solutions to best meet your goals. We make this a priority on all of our projects.

What's new?

We took a deep dive into the archives for this #ThrowbackThursd ay! Principal and Survey Manager Mike Jokela contributed these photos of Stebbins, Alaska, from 1984 and 2019, respectively. Survey equipment and techniques may have changed over the years, but the #CReW's commitment to serving the...

Posted on Mar 04, 2021  •  Facebook

Join the #CReW as we recognize National Engineers Week, which takes place February 21-27, 2021. We appreciate the ongoing contributions of all of our talented #CRW engineers. Happy E-Week!

Posted on Feb 22, 2021  •  Facebook

We're looking to add a top-notch planner/public involvement professional to the #CReW. Do you have a background in planning, grant writing, and project management? We would love to hear from you!

Posted on Feb 18, 2021  •  Facebook

Calling all Alaska resident #engineering and #geomatics college students - #CRW's Willy Van Hemert Scholarship will hand out two $2,500 checks. Application deadline is March 12. Read more here: https:// about/ scholarship/

Posted on Feb 08, 2021  •  Facebook

It may seem like child's play, but the #CReW pulled out all the stops when it came to constructing these holiday gingerbread structures! Click through for the winners in each category.

Posted on Dec 21, 2020  •  Facebook