If you have tile flooring in your home then you're already aware of how dirty the tile and grout can get over time. Keeping your tile properly maintained is essential to maximizing the look and the lifespan of your tile flooring. Experts in the industry recommend having your tile cleaned by a professional every 1-2 years, depending on the amount of traffic they get. When it's time to get your tile cleaned, Steam-A-Way is the best choice for homeowners in the Omaha and Lincoln areas. Our Steam-A-Way technicians begin every tile and grout cleaning job with a full visual inspection that includes checking for any damage to all the tile and grout areas and testing for sealant on the grout.

When we clean your carpet, we employ 12 specialty spot removers. The technicians in your home who use these spotters are thoroughly trained and experienced. If there's any possibility of removing your stains, these guys can do it. In fact, if we are unable to remove a stain and another carpet cleaning company in Omaha and Lincoln is, we'll refund your money for the job we did. Yellowing can be as simple as neutralizing the spot or area by spraying a solution on it, or it can be impossible to remove.

What's new?

Don’t forget we repair carpets everyday too! 402-331-1634

Posted on Feb 25, 2021  •  Facebook

Happy Thursday everyone. Another bleach spot gone! 402-331-1634

Posted on Feb 25, 2021  •  Facebook

Steam-A-Way of Nebraska offers a Disinfecting Service! Our Disinfecting Service includes wiping down all surfaces such as hand railings, countertops, door knobs and handles, and other high-touch areas. This disinfectant kills the SARS-CoV-2 Virus associated with COVID-19 in 3 minutes and LASTS up to 90-days. It is the first and only dual-action disinfectant AND cleaner approved by the EPA for use to protect against COVID-19 and other bacteria, mold, mildew, and odor. CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS 402-331

Posted on Jan 12, 2021  •  Facebook

Viscose Rug that got badly damaged by a doggie and his candy cane. Will have some grooming to do but when done everything will be just fine.

Posted on Jan 04, 2021  •  Facebook

Hey everyone! I have an appointment that had to cancel for tomorrow. In a hurry to clean your carpets? Message me right away and we will get you scheduled for tomorrow between 1:00-3:00. Happy Sunday everyone!

Posted on Oct 11, 2020  •  Facebook

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