Ever wanted greener grass, a tropical garden, or even a driveway that stands out from the neighbors? Swanner Landscaping and irrigation is all about taking what ones got already and improving it through the hard work and perfection we bring to customers everyday. Our crew is only satisfied with the best and wont stop until we achieve it. Landscaping is not only a good way to improve your home and its value but also the community itself. We do everything from trimming trees and installing grass to putting in walkways and creating a suitable bed for subtle or outstanding greenery.
You've made an investment in your family's home with the landscape that you've created. A high-quality automatic irrigation system designed and installed by Swanner Landscaping will insure that your investment is protected. From a simple system designed to keep your grass watered properly to a complex multi-zone system, we keep your landscape vital and healthy! The state of Texas requires a license to install residential or commercial irrigation systems, and there are many reasons for this. Two of the most important ones are the protection and conservation of our precious water supply.