Both graduated from Harrah High School and have lived in Eastern Oklahoma County most of their lives. We recognize your need for the perfect home by offering an in-house draftsman who can design your home to fit your vision. We offer various plans from great designers like Robert Fillmore & Bill Perry or we can use your plans. Our interior decorator will assist you in making the inside of your new home a showcase! And our sub-contractors provide quality craftsmanship and have been with us for many years, which allows the construction of your new home to flow smoothly.
Visit the additions below for our custom Residential Construction in the hottest neighborhoods near Oklahoma City. Call or contact us when you're ready to build your dream home in the addition that suits your family budget and location needs. Location: SE 29th & S Noma Rd On SE 29th between Post & Westminster across from Dolese is Noma Rd. Go South on Noma approx. Location: 15th St. & Indian Meridian About a quarter mile East of Indian Meridian on the South side of 15th Street. One of the most exciting times in your life can be building a home!
Since 1982, SWM & Sons has established a strong positive reputation in the building trade by constructing hundreds of quality custom homes and creating a large satisfied customer base. A few years ago we took this dedication to excellence into light commercial construction, such as banks and office space. Our commercial construction section gives you a draftsman on staff to help with your design needs as well as an interior decorator to assist in making your project what you dreamed it would be.