Insulating is a simple concept. It is no more complex than the idea of using a blanket or a drink cooler - it helps keeps the heat or cold either in or out and helps to keep items and spaces at the desired temperature for a longer period of time. Energy Guard provides Insulation of your home or business as a service. According to The Department of Energy, home energy costs can be dramatically reduced with properly installed insulation. Insulating with fiber glass is one of the most effective and sustainable things we can do to reduce energy use and control the environmental impact of homes and other buildings.
When it comes to Insulation Removal, Energy Guard is your trusted Existing Home Specialists. Our company utilized state of the art equipment to remove the contaminated insulation. Our process helps to keep the contaminated insulation from entering the rest of your home. We utilized large high capacity vaccum hoses coupled with a high capacity vaccum strategically placed outside to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Once the contaminated insulation has been removed we offer various types of insulation to meet your specific needs or budgets.
What is Air Duct Sealing? In a typical forced air system the duct work loses about 20% of the air that is distributed through the home. This happens because there are Air Duct Leaks from cracks, holes, and poorly connected ducts in your home. Air Duct Sealing is the process of sealing those Air Duct Leaks. Air Duct Sealing will also help your home be more comfortable, less dusty and distribute the air more fully throughout your home. Simply put, Air Duct Sealing, saves you money! Don't let your cool air just leak into your attic, call Energy Guard and we will seal those Air Duct Leaks!