Asphalt Paving Co., better known as ASPAC, strives to please its customers with personal service, quality workmanship and attention to detail. We work hard to earn the respect and repeat business of all our customers. Regular customers and high recommendations account for 50% of our business, so we are proud of the long list clients who have chosen ASPAC as their asphalt maintenance company. To be assured of an expert job, done with the finest materials, contract with ASPAC. Let us give you an estimate on the project you're considering.
Resurfacing concrete can provide an economical alternative to removing and replacing existing old, spalled concrete. If the problem with your concrete is just superficial cracking, discoloring or minor chipping or spalling, resurfacing is a very good option. A concrete resurfacer is a special cementitious product that blends ordinary Portland cement, sand, polymer modifiers and other additives designed to provide adhesion and shrinkage compensation. Unlike other cement products, it's designed to be applied in very thin coats and can be stronger than the concrete it's applied to.
It is critical that all paving projects have good drainage. Improper drainage of surface and sub-surface water can significantly decrease the life cycle and structural integrity of your asphalt project. A proper drainage system plays the most important role in determining the ability of a pavement to withstand weather and traffic and in providing you with long-lasting, trouble-free service. Most subgrade soils consist of materials that weaken when wet. If your subgrade is not properly shaped and sloped for drainage, water may collect on its surface.