Recently, in a continuation of the arc which took Meridian from a one-man shop focusing on agricultural and residential projects, to a 30 person multi-state engineering and construction company focusing on commercial and industrial projects, founder Andrew McCalla has transitioned the company to a consultancy, focusing on client advocacy and representation in all markets, but with a renewed focus on energy storage.
Since enrolling in the Renewable Energy Education Program at Solar Energy International in 1995, Meridian founder Andrew McCalla has been a dedicated advocate of renewable energy. After 4 years with a leading solar distribution company, Andrew founded Meridian in 1999 with the intent of providing renewable energy and storage systems of the highest quality. Throughout the intervening decades of continuous operation in a nascent and dynamic industry, Meridian has had many forms and functions, ultimately completing more than 500 projects (from 60 watt agricultural systems to 60 Megawatt utility-scale installations), amounting to more than 100 MW of installed capacity.
As we transition our transportation over to electricity, we need to ensure the charge is coming from a clean renewa…
Meridian Solar is excited to announce the addition of 2 new VPs that both bring extensive knowledge and expertise to the team. Please join us in welcoming Tommy Jacoby, VP of Design and Engineering, and Justin Leach, VP of Business Development!
New Energy Outlook 2016: Watch the story unfold https:// 170955033 Don't get left behind - Invest in renewable energy today
GM's Rochester plant launches solar array on Friday, July 15th
With Lower Costs and Federal Backing, Solar PV Poised for Long-Term Growthhttp:// solar-pv-poised- for-long-term-g rowth?utm_sourc e=hs_email&utm_ medium=email&ut m_content=31569 022&_hsenc=p2AN qtz-83H7t6-h9J3 cktiptDBEjrKM2X SUo3AXyN4MxkksD FvkH2SXvvrHs8ra hSrDuZ4mqFTsW6m u9MzFYyOKtFZKBO 7Odmhg&_hsmi=31 569022
http:// www.pv-magazine. com/news/ details/beitrag/ seia--texas-will -become-the-2nd -largest-us-sol ar-market-in-th e-next-five-yea rs_100025190/?utm_content=buf fer7a081&utm_me dium=social&utm gn=buffer#axzz4 CyUC1MXb
Meridian Solar, founded in Texas in 1999, has been a contributor to the growing solar industry in Texas!
SEIA: Texas will become the 2nd-largest U.S. solar market in the next five years
Solar is still one of the best investments available - What kind of ROI can you expect to see from solar? Look here:
Costs are continuing to fall & solar adoption is climbing even in states where policy landscape does not entice solar adopters-@RGRMarketing