Whether you need immediate door repair and would like to schedule routine maintenance to ensure your commercial entrances are secure and function properly, Affordable Garage Door Repair is just a phone call away. We are licensed and insured. Call Rick at 602-301-4653.
If you're looking for a quality replacement garage door in the Scottsdale, Fountain Hills and West Sun City areas, Affordable Garage Door Repair has a wide selection of affordable garage doors and you can have installed quickly. Just pick out your door today and we'll have it professionally installed for you tomorrow. Rick provide garage door repair, replacement and installation services throughout the Phoenix area including the cities of Scottsdale, Fountain Hills and West Sun City, AZ. Call Rick today at 602-301-4653.
Some common garage opener problems we can fix: Chain or belt is sagging; opener not opening or closing all the way; opener makes loud noise or doesn't open at all; opener is running but the chain or belt doesn't more; remotes or keypads doesn't work anymore, or door opens on its own. Call us at 602-301-4653! BROKEN SPRINGS - This is the most common problem with a garage door. If your spring look like the picture above the door which weights several hundred pounds will not operate properly see above prices.
Hi I'm Rick Lane, owner of "Save on Services." My brother Marcus and I answer our own phones and perform all repairs so that I know the WORK IS DONE RIGHT and that you're treated as a VALUED CUSTOMER. We have no warehouse, low advertising costs and no employees so we can offer you the LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE and a LIFETIME WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND LABOR. Instead of worrying, call Rick or Marcus right now. Frankly, most all garage door problems are easier to repair and less costly than you think.
Don't get stuck at #home! 24-hour #emergency line for immediate GarageDoor #Repair. https://t.co/Mi7WDroW2U
Did you know a residential #GarageDoor has a minimum #Lifespan of 10,000 open-&-close cycles? Get more cycles with… https://t.co/276nNx7KtI
Here are some #simple ways to #care for your #GarageDoor to extend its life. Read more: https://t.co/09fW89tO79 https://t.co/feh01aALU5
No problem with your garage door that we can not fix. #GarageDoor #Service #Phoenix #Garage #Door #Repair #AZ… https://t.co/E6sUzwccTB
Is your Garage Door squeaky? Does the garage door open slowly? #GarageDoorRepair #GarageDoorPhoenix https://t.co/kgTy2uy5wO
Your automatic garage door stop working? Contact us today! #GarageDoor #Repair #Maintenance #GarageDoorRepair… https://t.co/MSJXVXS5PD
When you are looking for #stable, #reliable, & #affordable, we hope that #SaveOnServices comes to mind!… https://t.co/qyXDqNikBl
Is there something wrong with your #GarageDoor & you need a #repair? Why go through the hassle? Just give us a call… https://t.co/Gg7cCop7cB
Did your #teen #crash the #car into the #garage door like this #family? We can #help install a new one!… https://t.co/WQCjZwjamS