Inductors are passive, two-unit electrical components that store energy in a magnetic field, allowing an electrical current to flow through. At Electric Power Systems, our inductor designs can isolate, step down, and step up voltages. We design all our inductors for extreme durability, so no matter the rigors of your application, your new electrical parts will withstand daily and ongoing use with unfaltering reliability.
At Electric Power Systems, we can manufacture substations for your application according to your exact specifications. So, when you need a substation that requires custom features and nonstandard parts, trust our experienced engineers, manufacturers, and project personnel to produce the exact product your application needs.
At Electric Power Systems, we service and sell electrical controls for a wide variety of systems to meet the simplest to even the most complex requirements. The electrical controls we work with may simply turn equipment off and on, control and monitor speed, or may include a comprehensive system responsible for controlling, monitoring, and communicating.
Your electrical equipment supplier should be experienced, efficient, reliable, and knowledgeable about many types of electrical applications to ensure your next project is a success. At Electric Power Systems, we are that supplier because we are experienced (we have been around since 1987) and because we are completely focused on manufacturing electrical equipment according to the specific instructions of our clients.
At Electric Power Systems, we often recommend air core inductors for applications that have switch mode magnetic requirements. This type of inductor is also beneficial when space is not a prohibitive factor. Air core inductors do not rely on a magnetic core and are made from a ferromagnetic material. In most cases, the coils are wound on ceramic, plastic, or other nonmagnetic forms in addition to those that possess air within the winding. Common features of air core inductors include lower inductance than standard ferromagnetic core coils, and they are often used at high frequencies because of their ability to remain free from energy losses.