Home Inspection LCC shows our commitment to protecting both your family and your most valuable investment by only hiring the most educated and experienced certified inspectors. Our team meets and exceeds industry standards and represents the best in their field. In addition to being well-versed in industry best practices, our inspectors also bring an extensive knowledge of home building and construction to each job. This wealth of experience means that they have a firsthand knowledge of where to look for hidden issues and how to identify potential hazards.

Make us your first choice and let Home Inspections give you the peace of mind needed to make your home buying decision in the Columbus area. If walls could talk you wouldn't need a home inspection, but unfortunately, that's not the case. We're the voice of the home. Let us tell you whether it's been properly maintained, or if it's about to fall apart. We'll get in the crawl spaces, on the roof, in the garage, or wherever we need to go find out the true history of the structure. Walls can't talk but we can, and our language is simple, direct and accurate.

There are plenty of different types of insects that love to eat wood and will slowly destroy your home. From termites and fungi to carpenter bees and powder post beetles, Mother Nature has created plenty of creatures who dine on your prized possession. If you suspect that termites or other wood destroying insects are attacking your home, don't hesitate to schedule a termite inspection. Call Home Inspections LLC serving the Central Ohio area immediately so that you can prevent further damage and take the necessary steps to eradicate the pests and repair your home.

Whether you've owned your home or business for several years, or you're looking to purchase a new one, it's important to protect your investment by thoroughly testing for potential hazards. While most homeowners are aware of the importance of a general home inspection, a radon inspection is often overlooked. In some cases, Ohio residents simply aren't aware of the dangers and prevalence of radon in our state. In other cases, homeowners don't want to spend the extra time and money on a radon inspection.

You might be surprised to learn how easy it is for mold to invade your home without even noticing. Often times, mold can form in basements, ceilings, behind walls and other places that you simply don't see on a regular basis. By the time signs of mold have become visibly apparent, you may have a major problem on your hands. The best way to detect and address potential mold problems is by having Home Inspections LLC inspect your home for mold. They will be able to identify what types of mold are present and how pervasive the problem is in the Columbus Ohio area.

What's new?

Wet basements and crawlspaces are very common in central Ohio and can lead to water damage, mold, wood destroying insect infestation and costly structural repairs. The good news for homeowners is that 90% of basement and crawlspace moisture problems can be solved with simple and inexpensive repairs...

Posted on Mar 13, 2021  •  Facebook

This bottom left photo is the family headstone featured in the Arnold Schwarzenegger film šŸŽ„ Aftermath. It was very interesting šŸ§ Inspecting Greenlawn Cemeteries future monument show room. Found a creepy headstone cemented into the wall in the basement. I can only imagine whatā€™s behind that šŸ’€ I was...

Posted on Mar 11, 2021  •  Facebook

Detecting signs of insect damage requires the trained eye of a professional termite inspector. Our experienced termā€¦ https://t.co/UmU8adb2NC

Posted on Mar 08, 2021  •  Twitter

The ODA WDI (NPMA-33) includes Fungi. Any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter. Thereā€™ā€¦ https://t.co/y9KzAnZ8dq

Posted on Mar 06, 2021  •  Twitter

1/4" hardibacker alone is an unsuitable substrate for shower wall tile. Being familiar with the proper use of the bā€¦ https://t.co/bqZHS7Pyj9

Posted on Mar 06, 2021  •  Twitter

New Albany Commercial Inspection. Let us help with your commercial property assessment. https://t.co/UdTvjoUpTkā€¦ https://t.co/iJSproCKjj

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Twitter

Quality You Deserve! https://t.co/kDdsr8eL7v https://t.co/7zIDhVOkSI

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Twitter

Registration: https://t.co/U47rn26FUc https://t.co/dbbsQK5OEm

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Twitter

Knowledge and experience = a quality experience! #homeinspector #homeinspection https://t.co/E2SM6A9BJP https://t.co/aUrVxV66ev

Posted on Mar 04, 2021  •  Twitter

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.ā€ ā€“ Teddy Rooseveā€¦ https://t.co/64Tp9zPyFL

Posted on Mar 04, 2021  •  Twitter

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