At Eco House Painting, our expert residential and commercial painters are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the latest techniques and technologies-but along with advanced training, we still believe in time-honored values like honesty, integrity, and hard work. When you consult with us on your residential or commercial painting project, we'll be completely up front with you, offering recommendations solely in your best interests. If painting isn't necessary, we'll tell you so-and we'll suggest alternate solutions to save you time and money.

Quality home exterior painting enhances and protects your house from the elements - and its value. Curb appeal can add another 10 percent to the perceived value of your home all for a modest investment. However, it's important to use a quality exterior painting service and a painting Contractor who doesn't cut corners on the scope of work or on quality painting materials so you get high quality paintwork with finishes that will last. Do you love your home but tired of seeing peeling paint, mildew stains, the faded colors?

Add subtle style or jaw-dropping drama with a wall covering that is expertly applied. Wallpaper, fine fabrics, natural grasses and acoustical coverings can make a space more livable, more functional and more enjoyable. When someone comes into your home or business, the walls are the first thing they notice. A fine wall covering makes a critical difference in the impression you make. There are so many materials and patterns to choose from these days and both exteriors and backings have changed tremendously over the years.

If you're tired of your worn looking kitchen storage, cabinet refinishing offers a beautiful and affordable alternative to a new installation. Even re-facing can be costly! We have the ability to reinvent what you have now - with high-end designer results. Call us about staining, lacquering or painting kitchen cabinets. Cabinet refinishing is the perfect way to improve your home without a huge investment. It can save you tens of thousands of dollars - even hundreds of thousands - by taking your existing wood and giving it a new look.

You know Eco House Painters as a one-stop shop for all of your painting needs. And depending on your job the specialists at Eco House can also repair, install, or finish your sheetrock as well as stucco. We have been trained to remove your drywall or wallpaper and re-finish the surface with any paint or specialty finish you desire. House painting is a broad term that covers all of the specialties of Eco House Painters. Residential, commercial, interior, exterior, and now specialty services are all available to you through the professionals at Eco House Painters of Fairfield County.

The great three enemies of wooden decks are moisture, exposure to the sun's UV light, and temperature variation, each affecting the deck in different ways. Eco House Painters offers advice to homeowners who want to stay a step ahead of this triple menace. UV light from the sun degrades and fades previously applied finishes, while also drying wood fibers to split wood grain and allow moisture to penetrate the deck surface. What you can do: Carefully inspect your deck each season for signs that the stain or paint is no longer providing adequate protection from the elements.

Perhaps one of the most powerful cleaning tools available to both commercial and residential building owners is that of power washing. Whether you are preparing your home or business for painting, removing gunk and grime from a driveway or parking lot, or simply want to freshen up the exterior surface of your home or office, power washing can effectively and efficiently clean most exterior surfaces. Power washing also has great environmental benefits, because when power washing is performed, you do not necessarily have to use a cleaning solution in order to get the job done (unless you have a very tough job to take care of).

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