Sprout grew organically (no pun intended) from a hobby to a business, to a rapidly-expanding company. It began years ago when our founder, Rebecca, dreamt of having her own kitchen garden. She started by growing tomatoes in a tiny corner of her patio, and with just a little success that first year, she was encouraged to expand bit by bit over the next few years. She researched, practiced, and pursued her burgeoning interest in organic food and urban farming, and earned her Master Gardener certification along the way.

What's new?

What can you begin to plant in March? It depends what USDA zone you live in! Virginians in the coldest parts of the state can get started direct sowing cool-weather crops like turnips, while Virginians in the warmer parts of the state can begin to plant potatoes, chard, and many other vegetables.

Posted on Mar 13, 2021  •  Facebook

Believe it or not, spring is on the way. Last frost dates are still several weeks out (see below), but if you live in one of the warmest regions of Virginia, you can get started planting cool weather crops (like mustard or radishes) in February!

Posted on Mar 13, 2021  •  Facebook

Geophytes! Geophytes are herbaceous plants with underground storage organs, rather than fibrous root systems.

Posted on Mar 13, 2021  •  Facebook

Preparing seeds for your spring garden? How do you know if those old seeds are still good?!

Posted on Mar 13, 2021  •  Facebook

So much to love about this. 🌱💚

Posted on Jan 03, 2021  •  Facebook

💚💪🥦Philly garden activists are shipping millions of seeds to a nation fretting over food access during coronavirus… https://t.co/ZitoFPg4C5

Posted on May 05, 2020  •  Twitter

Future fresh lettuce: These organic baby lettuce seedlings will grow to feed our client’s family for months.… https://t.co/ulpSgi1FzU

Posted on May 05, 2020  •  Twitter

If you’ve been growing seeds indoors and are ready to transplant them outside, remember to harden them off before m… https://t.co/zH11Nt8clY

Posted on May 03, 2020  •  Twitter

Learn to grow your own veggies with this free webinar. #DC #DCUrbanGrowerWebinarSeries #growyourownfood… https://t.co/rIYPbts2fO

Posted on May 03, 2020  •  Twitter

These are excellent sources for organic and heirloom seeds. Sprout uses Johnny’s, Southern Exposure, and Seed Saver… https://t.co/uUAnwrzMVK

Posted on May 03, 2020  •  Twitter

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