Here at Squared Away Lawns you can rest assured that when your work is scheduled, that is the day that it will be completed. Weather plays a large factor in our ability to service properties, however if we are delayed you will promptly receive notification regarding the delay. Our trained, passionate, experienced lawn care professionals will always handle customers with the utmost professionalism. Anyone of our crew members is capable of communicating with the customer eliminating language barriers that are so common in our industry.
IT IS FINSIHED. It began with salting Saturday night. Sunday morning the race began. Steady... plowed for 116 consecutive hours. 11 crews in the field, 3800 man hours, 270k lbs of salt and very little sleep.
This is the first time these trucks have been turned off and staged within the past 72 hours. We are waiting on the next storm to pass and they will be back on the road by 5:30 am. The trucks will be fine, they are engineered mechanical equipment.
The continued heavy rains are loosening the soil around trees making the root systems weak with the added weight of ice. Uprooted trees are a threat. Pay close attention to where you leave your cars parked and any heavy trees that could fall on your home, you may need to relocate your family to a...