Our Six-Step lawn care program ensures that your lawn will have our attention year-round. It includes both preventative and post-emergent weed control applications, times so that your lawn receives utmost attention from each application. Lawn renovation is a Go Green specialty. Our experts will complete an evaluation, determining if your lawn is more than 50% weeds and then recommend an action plan. Just call, text, or email us to schedule your complimentary, in-person evaluation with one of our professionals.
Go Green Lawn Solutions was formed in 2007 by Brad Moody and Ryan Cecil, who worked at Valhalla Golf Club in maintenance. We saw the need for a lawn company in Louisville that understood the sciences of turf management, as well as the importance of integrity and customer satisfaction. We began very small, with only a handful of lawn care customers, but now service hundreds of lawns in the Louisville area. We love what we do and enjoy working with our customers and their lawns. If you are looking for the highest quality lawn care service, by true professionals, please give Go Green Lawn Solutions the chance to give you the lawn you always wanted.
Each of our plans begins with a lawn evaluation by one of our certified turf managers. We evaluate your specific issues and develop a lawn care plan for your needs. Our lawn care programs ensure that your lawn will have our attention year-round. It includes both preventative and post-emergent weed control applications, timed so that your lawn receives the utmost attention from each application. Our Healthy Lawn Care Plan also includes synthetic and organic fertilizer applications, timed to deliver the correct amount of nutrients to your lawn throughout the season.
Spring is almost here! - https:// mailchi.mp/ a8c9c2e94bdd/ spring-is-almost -here
Winter 2020 - https:// mailchi.mp/ 7ab87379f7e0/ winter-2020 Winter Lawn Tips
Summertime Blues For Your Lawn? - https:// mailchi.mp/ 2da8305f6c30/ summertime-blues -for-your-lawn
https:// youtu.be/ hMlyXpAdSO4. Brown patches in your lawn? Check out this video to see if you may have fungus in your lawn.