G. Finkenbeiner Inc. has been providing high quality custom glass lab ware and quartz products for 58 years. Our close proximity to Boston places us in the heart of the academic research community as well as many of the finest technical industries that New England has to offer. Our specialties include prototype and unique apparatus for all types of chemistry, biotech, and pharmaceutical applications. We also fabricate for all aspects of semiconductor and superconductor manufacture. Our expert glassblowers can design from any competitors catalog.
http:// www.dailypress.c om/news/ dp-fea-glass-mus ician-1224-stor y.html
http:// www.bbc.co.uk/ programmes/ p05qvc7b
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Tom and I owning G. Finkenbeiner, Inc. He has worked here since September 1979 and myself July 1986. Hard work does pay off.
I was afraid to say anything til I saw the movie, but my Rutgers student Jake and the armonica are in the new X Men movie Logan.