We can help you with fabrication, vacuum welding, and assembly. Special services include vacuum leak testing, deep-UV optical measurements, and scintillator coating. Leverage our instrument, systems and vacuum experience for your benefit. As a systems manufacturer, we put our knowledge at your disposal. We are just a phone call away. We provide a range of optical metrology systems. As a service, we will measure your samples with our deepultraviolet VUVAS spectrophotometer. We accept research samples as well as short QA/QC and characterization runs.
#Spectrophotome ter, Vacuum Ultra-Violet (VUV to deep UV)Ultraviolet spectrophotomet er with best performance from 30~160 nanometers, also known as the deep or vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region. A windowless hollow cathode light source operated with #hydrogen gas provides a many-lined continuum from...
Radial velocity method and high resolution spectrograph . . . In first order – without use of Echelle gratings – the sensitivity is about 2 pm in the UV. That correlates to about 2 km/ s radial velocity at Hydrogen-alpha. Researchers and science on this level is possible with readily available COTS...
Ultra-high vacuum monochromator triple turret action. Edited french subt... https://t.co/YNVHVAseJA via @YouTube https://t.co/6Cuvjybb9d
spectral test and measurement from McPherson - https:// mailchi.mp/ 997e7bfce282/ spectral-test-an d-measurement-f rom-mcpherson - compact deep UV monochromator, high resolution XUV spectrograph, infrared seeker and camera test system and more
I recently heard the expression ‘radial velocity method’ and learned of this techniques importance in detecting exoplanets. The radial-velocity method for detecting exoplanets uses Doppler Effect to sense a stars motion. Stars with companions, be they planets or other stars, move in response to the...
spectral measurements and calibration with McPherson - https://t.co/9r46S3QhP7 - featuring electron impact calibrat… https://t.co/slSCQB9bSI
Here is a spectrum of a Deuterium lamp collected at less than 170 nanometers and with 1 nm and 0.1 nm bandwidth. Inset one can see 157~164 nm, the broader bandwidth shows two main peaks whereas finer bandwidth reveals the complex ‘many-line’ spectrum of hydrogen. High resolution and fine bandwidth...
Just posted a photo @ Chelmsford, Massachusetts https://t.co/kAQRU7AEIg
Check out the latest news and holiday wishes from McPherson https://t.co/QZZzt8YNnN ...features an f/2 monochromato… https://t.co/XXrDo3CUrb
better UV spectral measurements. McPherson - https://t.co/FsblGvRMw2 - more light for your signal limited experimen… https://t.co/8lkw0d2C9T