Animal Pros provides wildlife removal services in Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, South Carolina, Indiana, and Illinois. We provide humane and permanent solutions for wildlife removal and wild animal removal to homeowners, property managers, businesses, and government. We achieve this by using the most advanced technology in detection, prevention, repairs, and clean up of wildlife damage and wild animal problems. We strive to achive 100% humane solutions. Animal Pros utilizes the most modern and up-to-date methods and equipment.
Animal Pros Certified Bird Control specialists offer immediate assistance for all bird control issues across the Central and Southeast including Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Common nuisance pest birds include starlings, pigeons, sparrows, vultures, gulls, swallows, geese, woodpeckers and hawks. Bird problems on your rooftop, ledges, or warehouse of your business? You have came to the right place.
Whatever your animal removal needs are, Animal Pros has the expertise to handle the job. Animals can be a problem for your home or business. Wild animals will enter into your home looking for food or shelter. They will also come into your home looking for a place to birth their young. Once animals get into your home they can cause extensive and expensive damage. Call Animal Pros today to rid yourself of nuisance pest animals. For affordable, friendly service, and guaranteed quality work, contact us today 800-668-9074.
Defend your company's reputable name and revenue by calling Animal Pros to inspect your place of business. We can take on all your commercial needs from supermarkets, restaurants, retail, hotels, and office buildings. We can help you to protect the reputation and insurance costs of your company by removing wildlife that could affect your employees or your customers. Animals in your building can be a headache for you. Let us take care of your commercial animal removal needs. If your business is in need of wildlife trapping and removal, or animal exclusion we can help.
Attention to detail separates us from the competition. Animal Pros Certified Wildlife Specialists are trained to identify the exact problem in your home or business by locating entry points, chewed wires, damaged duct work, and damage to insulation caused by animal body oils and fecal material, contaminants, fleas, mites, and other parasites. Animal Pros initial visit includes a visual inspection of your attic and crawlspace, wiring, insulation, ductwork, and other animal evidence to accurately pinpoint the kind of animal or animals causing the damage.
When animals nest in attic spaces, they often destroy insulation by tearing into it or contaminating it with feces and urine. This is not only messy and smelly, but causes significant energy loss. Animal Pros will remove all soiled and damaged insulation and replace it. We can restore your attic and make your home more energy efficient. Physical damage is just one part of the danger caused by nesting animals. Urine and feces represent a significant health hazard that must be dealt with by a professional.
Animal Pros offers a wide variety of services to handle any nuisance pest animal problem. This includes wildlife control, animal proofing, rodent removal, bird or bat control, dead animal removal, odor control, clean-up, and attic restoration, crawlspace cleanout and much more. Animal Pros has experienced professionals available to take care of your pest wild animal problem quickly, effectively, and affordably. We use humane catch-and-release and environmentally safe methods whenever possible. Animals can cause expensive damage to homes in a short amount of time.
It is not easy to remove animal odors from your home. There is usually a mess of guano, urine, and feces to clean up. These substances can seep down and contaminate wood, drywall, insulation, and flooring. A skunk could spray under your house leaving your home with a very unpleasant odor. You may find yourself with a dead animal smell in or around your home. Our professionals at Animal Pros can handle any odor control situation. Make sure to visit our restoration page as your drywall, supporting joists, and insulation may been damaged.
Dead Animal Removal services in Tennessee, South Carolina, Kentucky, Florida, Indiana, and Illinois by Animal Pros wildlife specialists. One of the first concerns when a animal dies in your home or business is the odor. Wild animals will typically hide away in small accesses like attics, crawlspaces, and walls. When the animal dies, it will start to decay and can attract other pesky creatures into or around your home. Professional Animal Pros assistance is recommended in finding and removing dead animals, as they are likely not in a easily accessible place.