Our targeted pest control treatments focus on the exterior and perimeter of your property, limiting the use of chemicals within the home. Whether you need a one-time service, or an ongoing preventative service, we can find the perfect solution to New Mexico's on-going pest problem. Combining the most advanced chemistry, a season-specific treatment strategy, and our professionally trained staff, we take the battle directly to your home or property's defensive zones. For homeowners here in New Mexico, ants are the number-one nuisance pest.
Hello everyone and thank you for visiting us. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide you with information about pest control and help you choose a pest management company. ABC is a full service pest control company integrating environmental responsibility with each and every service. Our main goal is to safely and effectively protect your structure, employees, clients, and the environment from arthropod and/or animal damage. By maintaining the highest standards, we will identify and incorporate the best and most economical pest management solution for your situation.
Subterranean termites are considered one of New Mexico's top urban pest. As a homeowner, you may encounter termites at sometime or other. If you find termites in your home, take some time to educate yourself on termites and termite control. By doing so, you will be able to make intelligent decisions regarding a termite management option for your situation. Subterranean termites live in colonies in the ground, building vertical tunnels that look like mud tubes above ground level so that they can search for food.
From food processing facilities to restaurant services. From industrial and retail properties to apartments and hotels. ABC's Commercial Pest Control Services are extensive, preventative, maintenance programs for commercial businesses. Different environments produce distinct pests, which in turn can create special problems and health risks. ABC's technicians are certified and trained to identify and incorporate the best possible pest management solution for your business. We guarantee our services and make sure to follow up immediately when you need us.
Here in New Mexico, we are constantly under siege from all sorts of pests. Insects such as roaches and ants are common place for us here in the great southwest. Sometimes our health or property may be threatened, or sometimes, insects may just be a nuisance. Whatever the case, make it a commitment to get your home or business professionally treated. Our pest control technicians specialize in residential & commercial pest control, and we are here to protect your home or business from unwanted guests.
Its easy, quick and convenient. Let us know what time you would prefer in the details section of the form, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. We will email or call you within one business day to verify or help with your appointment. You can also call us directly at 505-294-6601. Our office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. MST. Home purchasers need to know if these pests are present before investing their money. Therefore, it is important to have a licensed pest control company provide you with a thorough inspection, and a report on the findings.
Any person/business that my kids (dogs) like AND writes us a handwritten thank you card will ALWAYS have an in with us. If you're ever in need of pest.
http:// news.yahoo.com/ blogs/sideshow/ doctors-remove-s pider-hiding-wo man-ear-canal-1 95029859.html
http:// www.usatoday.com /tech/news/ story/ 2012-07-23/ summer-bugs/ 56442572/ 1?csp=Tech