The comfort and certainty Target Builders brings to government construction accounts for the enhanced teamwork, efficiencies and speed to completion that are typical of Target Builders performance. Home grown, experienced, and calibrated to excel, Target Builders offer a rare combination of local knowledge, unmatched customer service, and proven performance in construction management. Whenever a project calls for professional commitment, technical skill, and a capacity for teamwork at the highest level, Target Builders has demonstrated the ability to get the job done.
In Progress: This 4,000 square foot remodel inside the Lee County Justice Center is an office renovation and addition of 12 meeting and conference rooms for the mediation division of the court system. Our crews work hard every day and night to provide the best service while allowing daily court...
Putting the finishing touches on the ongoing facade updates at McGregor Village. Renovations to the faces of these buildings have increased each businesses’ curb appeal while providing a unique modern style!
Target Builders provides exceptional services for public agencies such as the Lee County Government. Check out the recently completed state of the art office building and vehicle storage facilities for Lee County 20-20 Conservation!