I'm Owner/Operator Scott Sneddon, and I take great pride in my work and my company. There will be no "bait and switch" going on at HVAC Cleaning Technologies, whatsoever. I have heard of and even know some companies that quote one thing over the phone, and then raise the price by the moment almost while doing their job. I think too much of myself and you to play those games. I believe that my strongest trait is my ability to deliver what I promise, and I take that seriously. Of course duct cleaners are everywhere, you can't pick up any kind of advertising publication in the area and not see at least 2 or more trying to lure customers in with their "discount services".

What's new?

Recently, a heightened awareness of #SickBuildingSyn drome has caused individuals to ask, "Is it the person or the building that needs treatment?"

Posted on Mar 13, 2021  •  Facebook

Fur baby, or human baby? Both are so cute! But it's the human baby whose lungs could be affected by pet dander and other contaminants in the air she's breathing.

Posted on Jan 15, 2021  •  Facebook

New year, new commitments to exercise! But don't forget to also commit to better #indoorairqualit y.

Posted on Jan 09, 2021  •  Facebook

https:// nadca.com/ resources/blog/ five-tips-extend ing-life-your-f urnace?fbclid=I wAR2Sdr_rVeq3oI aZG3qeXSbaqNDOv c1p-OBlLPsFj-fB ZijJWYYIbCJikVE

Posted on Dec 17, 2020  •  Facebook

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