Consol has a deep understanding of the energy codes and standards from a home builders perspective - including the importance of high-quality construction practices and risk management. They provide great value in in reviewing emerging technologies and determining the most cost-effective energy code compliance strategies for the California market. CBIA has used ConSol as a technical consultant since the mid 90's. ConSol's expertise in energy efficiency, the building industry, energy codes, construction practices and emerging technologies has helped CBIA deliver consistent results to our members.
ConSol is a California certified small business founded by Mike Hodgson in 1983. ConSol now has over 35 years of experience in energy efficiency consulting, program management, and technology integration. The business offers leading research and energy consulting that applies knowledge of current building practices and codes to increase efficiency while ensuring cost effectiveness. Clients include utilities, public agencies, land developers, production home builders, trade associations, local governments, non-profits, manufacturers, and installers.