I consider Larry Kemp a friend and mentor, BUT, when I need cleaning services completed on our projects, that goes out the window. I call on Kemp & Sons Services because I get great communication and a commitment to excellence. Kemp & Sons is ready to roll immediately when I call, and we are proud to be partnered with them well into the future.
Very professional company that has the best interests of its employees, clients, and the cleaning industry at large in mind, which is rare to find. If you want great quality services , look no further!
General Cleaning of business.Empty trash, sweep and mop floors, clean restrooms and dusr
Ladies, ever clean your makeup brushes? Luckily there are shampoos made specifically to clean them. Make sure you aren't applying leftover bacteria to your face! #TidyTuesday #KSGS #YourMessIsOurBu siness #kempandsons #cleaning#clean #cleaningservice dfw #home #cleaningservice s#covid19sanitiza ...
Soak your toothbrush in a cup of vinegar for 15 minutes to quickly and easily kill any bacteria or germs that may be lurking on it. #TidyTuesday #KSGS #YourMessIsOurBu siness #kempandsons#cleaning #clean #cleaningservice dfw #home #cleaningservice s#covid19sanitiz ationservicedfw #covid19sanitiza ...
Buy all your concert and movie tickets online to save paper! #EcoFriendlyFriday #KSGS #YourMessIsOurBusiness… https://t.co/IgGrVeOsjJ
Lemon juice can clean the tiles in your bathroom and also prevent mildew and mold! #TidyTuesday #KSGS… https://t.co/9UK53ZtmRu
Only order or get as much food as you can eat. Don’t waste food! #EcoFriendlyFriday #KSGS #YourMessIsOurBusiness… https://t.co/QOFWl0dMCk
For a clean fridge throw out bad food and wipe everything with baking soda and water to stop odors #TidyTuesday… https://t.co/VXkebsfCBN
At restaurants grab a few napkins instead of a big wad to conserve paper #EcoFriendlyFriday #KSGS… https://t.co/AKtF3AdIgS
Remember to rinse your plates before putting them in the dishwasher to get the best clean possible #TidyTuesday… https://t.co/GwWynbP8S9
Buy things used such as cars, TVs, and bikes to avoid spending as much #EcoFriendlyFriday #KSGS… https://t.co/gug67XeX3o