Morantz Ultrasonics specializes in building quality Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems that allow you to clean faster, more effectively and more efficiently than any other method. Morantz Ultrasonics are easy to use, safe for the environment and will allow you to quickly maximize your profit potential. With more than 80 years serving our customers (and almost 40 years experience developing Ultrasonics), Morantz Ultrasonics is the world leader in building Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems for the Window Blind Cleaning, Medical Cleaning, Electronics Cleaning, Parts Cleaning, Janitorial and Facilities Maintenance and Contents Restoration (Fire and Water Restoration, Mold Remediation and Disaster Recovery) industries.
If there's one thing that being in business for over 80years has taught us at Morantz is that Opportunity Knows No Limits! That's the way it was when we built our first Ultrasonic Cleaning system over 30 years ago. We saw an opportunity, cleaning dirty window blinds, and figured out a new way to clean them; by using Ultrasonics. It took us a while, but through trial and error we figured out the most effective ways to clean every type of window blind on the market, then we taught our customers how to do it too.
The following example was created to demonstrate (in basic terms) the tremendous profit potential for owners of Morantz Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact using the form on the right side of this page or call us at 215.969.0266. The market for Ultrasonic Window Blind Cleaning is massive. With hundreds of millions of window blinds being sold each year, the opportunity for you to build a successful business has never been better. But this opportunity is actually far greater than just the number of blinds sold each year.
Janitorial and Maintenance staffs have a wide variety of items that need to be cleaned as part of their daily responsibilities. Everything from Window Blinds, Area Carpets, Tables & Chairs, and Remote Controls to Coffee Pots, Ceiling Fan Blades, Light Fixtures (and much more) needs to be cleaned quickly andefficiently. The task of cleaning is not just for aesthetics. The condition of your client's facilities not only affectstheir employee's productivity, but it candirectly influencetheir clients decision whether or not to do businesswiththem.