Preserving the delicate features of a fine wedding or christening gown demands professional expertise which you will find at Manor Cleaners. As your local expert dry cleaner, we begin with gentle cleaning, from top to bottom. Manor Cleaners has multiple locations throughout North Niagara to serve your fabricare needs. Your business image counts! Let Manor Cleaners ensure your company has the best rented floor mats available at competitive prices. Our superior pickup and delivery service means your business can look its best always.
At Manor Cleaners, we take customer care seriously. We believe in cleaning and pressing your garments like we're doing it for our own loved ones. Besides dry cleaning and laundry, we can expertly clean and press your leathers and suedes, window coverings, hats and fedoras, wedding and christening gowns (boxing available), silks, furs, bedding, and pillows. We also offer weather- and fire-proofing, and a growing mat rental service. We are, by far, the biggest fabricare business in Niagara, but with a hometown feel in all our 17 locations and on our numerous home and office pickup and delivery routes.