Our pest control program is designed to provide your lawn and landscape with everything it needs to thrive. From fertilization and weed control to shrub and palm care, we've got you covered! Quality, reliability and attention to detail is what you can expect from our lawn maintenance service. Let us provide you with the curb appeal you desire and the professionalism you deserve.
Growing up as a child, everyone had chores to do. One of those chores usually included mowing the lawn. However, I never really viewed it as a chore. I enjoyed cutting the lawn then going around each tree with hand shears and sweeping off the debris from the driveway and sidewalk. At Horizon Lawn & Pest Control, we fully understand the commitment and dedication it takes to keep a lawn and landscape properly maintained and looking its best. Our top quality services are designed to provide you with the lawn and landscape you desire as well as deliver the utmost customer satisfaction.