Save on DNL Carpet Cleaning Service quality services with online offer for Senior citizens. Please mention the offer for a senior citizen discount when calling to schedule your appointment in order to receive this special pricing? If scheduling online by email, please specify in your email to receive the appropriate senior citizens 15% discount.

We specialize in cleaning upholstery such as, couches, love seats, stools, rugs, as well as car interior and exterior. We also specialize in restoration of smoke and water damaged carpet in apartments, houses and in corporations. Our unique carpet cleaning services protect the investment you've made in your home. You can't always control what happens to your carpet, but you can believe that we are one phone call away. That's where DNL Carpet Cleaning Service can help you. We are a full service home care provider, but carpet cleaning is where we began and is one of the things we do best.

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Posted on Sep 10, 2013  •  Twitter

Hello Julius S. McNary catch up with me on my business deal DNL..

Posted on Aug 12, 2013  •  Twitter

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