Callaway Electric offers rebates on qualifying purchases of window air conditioners, water heaters, programmable thermostats and heat pump systems. A 22% tax credit is also available on Ground Source Heat Pump purchases in 2021. Callaway Electric understands that rural areas deserve the same high-speed internet as cities, which is why we have introduced Callabyte. We want to solidify our service area as a place that's attractive for people of all ages - including young adults - to live, work thrive and raise a family.
An exciting opportunity is available for many homes and businesses in the central Missouri area through Callabyte Technology, LLC. This company is brought to you by your trusted electricity provider, Callaway Electric Cooperative. Since September 2015, Callabyte has been offering broadband and other IP (Internet Protocol) services to much of the Callaway Electric service area and several surrounding communities.
If you are considering a new home or retrofitting an existing home, when it comes to economics and the environment, ground source heat pumps are a great investment.
Don't forget to apply to the 2021 Missouri Youth Tour and make connections that will last a lifetime!