It's what has enabled us to remain one of Chicagoland's highest-rated electrical contracting companies for nearly a century. We are committed to staying at the forefront of technology to provide the most innovative solutions for our clients.
We at Block Electric Company are proud of our long and prosperous history in the electrical contracting field. We dedicate ourselves to creating a higher level of service which will result in what we callCustomer Delight. We invite you to participate in this experience. Since our company's founding, thishas been the foundationon which our success has been built and that will not change. We are grateful for the many positive customer letters we receive, thanking us and our team members for their efforts and expertise.
Block Electric staysahead of technology in design and construction to providean added value to our clients. The software used to design and construct 3D and real-world models of electrical systems, buildings and other utilities is a luxury many electrical contractors cannot afford. Block Electric has made a tremendous investment into these systems as part of our core services. Ourdedication to staying at the forefront of technology allows us to offer the most innovative electrical design and lighting solutions to our clients.
Our Steppenwolf Theatre Company Expansion project was featured in yesterday’s Chicago Tribune Arts+Entertainm ent cover story, "Theaters of the future". Read the full article: https:// www.chicagotribu entertainment/ theater/ ct-ent-making-ch icago-theaters- safe-coronaviru s-20200915-oifm 6o2o3zgkbjdv6o7 y7nksmy-story.h tml
Great project to be a part of with a great team! River City Construction, LLC
Special thanks to @BlockElectric Team Member Randy Miller and the 1st Methodist Church volunteers for their help in…
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Northwestern University Mudd Hall Library - Gear Room
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