High Wire Electric LLC was founded in January of 2010 when Derek decided to take the knowledge he learned locally and build his own business. At the time it may have seemed risky, However, Derek had a vision for what his company would look like and has worked every day to provide his customer base with honesty, integrity, and reliability. As a company it is important for us to continue to offer our customers the latest and most innovative solutions to their electrical needs. However, High Wire Electric also is versed in the basic skills and as part of the State of Connecticut Apprenticeship program, we appreciate the fundamentals and basics of electrical systems in the residential and commercial setting.
Slowly she realised beauty was in the simple things that made a house truely a home . .@robertdeanarch itects@dinneenconstru ction . .#lakehouse #lakelife #lightinginspira tion #letushelpcreate yourdreamhome #lakewaramaug #litchfieldcount y #litchfieldhills #fairfieldcounty #electricalcontr actor #...